5th October 2024 – 11th October 2024



 1. 50th WISTA International AGM and Conference 2024 held in Limassol 9-11/Oct

The 50 Years Anniversary of the Women’s International Shipping and Trade Association (WISTA International) was celebrated between 09-11 October 2024 in Limassol, Cyprus. The Conference took place in the presence of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Nikos Christodoulides, the Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Mr. Arsenio Dominguez, the Shipping Deputy Minister of Cyprus, Mrs. Marina Hadjimanolis, the President of the European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA), Mrs. Karin Orsel, Shipowners, and maritime associates and a dynamic presence of 400 women in the shipping industry from 62 different countries.

President Christodoulides was the first President participating in a WISTA Conference, signifying the importance that the Cyprus Government attributes to this matter. At his keynote address, President Christodoulides said that gender equality is a high, horizontal priority of the Cyprus Government, underlying that the Government recognizes the vital role of shipping and the need to strengthen the competitiveness of the Cypriot flag.

Recalling that the creation of WISTA International was launched on December 2, in London, 50 years ago, the IMO Secretary General, Mr. Arsenio Dominguez, said that, today, WISTA has 5,000 members, women maritime professionals from 62 national organisations, who continue their action, “not to promote feminism but to highlight the role they can play in shipping”. He also referred to the theme of the conference, “Excellence in maritime and international trade driven by innovation”, saying that shipping is all about change and improvement and that introducing innovation helps reduce human error and operating costs and improve efficiency.

The Shipping Deputy Minister, Mrs. Marina Hadjimanolis, expressed her gratitude for the strong cooperation between the Shipping Deputy Ministry, WISTA Cyprus, and the Commissioner for Gender Equality, and invited everyone to the Maritime Cyprus 2025 Conference, which will be held in October next year in Limassol.

CUS actively participated through the presence of our Vice President, Mr. Polys Hajioannou, interviewed by Mr. Andreas Chrysostomou at the closing interview of the conference, being one of the highlights of the day. The interview was structured based on the discussion topics of the day and Mr. Hajioannou called to give his point of view on matters such as Green Financing, Environmental changes and possible future fuels, the human element and gender diversity and equality in the Shipping Industry and how his stock listed company has embraced gender equality as one of the cornerstone sustainability policies of the company.

WISTA International’s AGM concluded on Friday, 11/10/24, with parallel workshops on innovation, which took place at the Limassol Municipality’s Innovation and Blue Economy Centre, Limassol Port, BSM Maritime’s training centre.

The Cyprus Union of Shipowners was a supporter of the event.

Related Articles:

StockWatch 10/10 - President: Gender equality is high priority

Cyprus Mail 11/10 - Women’s shipping association celebrates 50th anniversary in Limassol

Shipping Herald 11/10 - President of Cyprus at WISTA conference: «Gender equality is high priority»



2. IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee advances talks on proposed regulations for cutting GHG emissions from ships.

The IMO has achieved key progress in negotiations towards a set of binding global regulations on the IMO net-zero framework, aimed at achieving the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction objectives set out in the 2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships

At the conclusion of the 82nd session of IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee, Member States had identified further areas of convergence in their positions. They produced a draft legal text to use as a basis for ongoing talks around the proposed “mid-term measures” for GHG reduction, which are expected to be adopted in 2025. 

These proposed “mid-term GHG reduction measures” include a goal-based marine fuel standard that will phase in the mandatory use of fuels with less GHG intensity and a global maritime GHG emissions pricing mechanism.

The draft legal text produced by MEPC 82 integrates inputs and proposals from Member States and international organizations on possible amendments to be made to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL, Annex VI). If adopted, these amendments would incorporate the proposed new measures into international law. Discussion also took place during the session on possible establishment of an IMO GHG Intensity Registry and an IMO fund/facility in order to facilitate the implementation of the technical and economic elements of the GHG reduction measures.

The MEPC will hold its next session (MEPC 83) from 7 to 11 April 2025, where Members are expected to approve the amendments, ahead of their formal adoption in October 2025.  

The Committee scheduled the following intersessional meetings to focus on further development of the mid-term measures: 

  • Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 18) 17-21 February 2025; and 
  • Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 19) during the week immediately before MEPC 83, scheduled for 7-11 April 2025. 

For more details, please tab the link below.

Related Article:

IMO 10/10 - IMO makes progress on net-zero framework for shipping


3. EU ETS: Preliminary findings on the monitoring of risks of evasion

On the 3rd October 2024, DG CLIMA presented its preliminary findings (which can be seen in the attached presentation) on the monitoring of risks of evasion following the implementation of the EU ETS in maritime transport to the EU MRV/ETS expert group. The monitoring covered the first half of 2024.

In summary, the Commission did not find clear evidence of evasive behaviour due to EU ETS extension to maritime transport so far. While some significant changes in traffic have been observed, they seem mainly related to impacts of the Red Sea crisis.

The main findings are the following :

  • With respect to the risk of relocation of transshipment, it was found that there was no reduction in port calls, container movements, or transshipment activity at EU ports that could be directly attributed to EU ETS. Route changes show more calls to non-EU ports, but no replacement of EU transshipment port calls. Furthermore, Several non-EU ports have started to invest for greater capacity well before 2024.
  • Regarding evasive port calls  and changes in order of port calls risk, it was found that there was no significant increase in port calls at non-EU ports (UK, North Africa, Turkey) by vessels calling in EU ports. Longer voyage distances were detected, likely due to operational changes related to the Red Sea situation.
  • No evidence of modal shift for goods entering the EU was found.

The Commission deciced that the monitoring of evasive behaviour will continue, in particular considering the EU ETS phase-in approach and FuelEU implementation, ongoing investments at neighbouring non-EU ports and recent announcements of routes changes for 2025.

The Commission will produce a report based on the data and findings from the ongoing monitoring, which will be published by the end of the year.

Related Article :

Attachment 1: EU ETS: Preliminary findings on the monitoring of risks of evasion



The US Treasury Report for all actions reported is hereby attached.

Related Article:

Attachment 2: US Treasury Report for week 05/10/2024 – 11/10/2024



The Piracy Report for all actions reported is hereby attached.

Related Article:

Attachment 3:Worldwide Threat to Shipping (WTS) Report, for the period between 11/09/2024 – 09/10/2024


Nothing important to report from the ILO and the House of Representatives.

Download Attachment 1

Download Attachment 2

Download Attachment 3
